I was waiting to post because Alex has a VERY lose tooth, and what's a better blog post than the first lost tooth? But, he still needs to wiggle it, and I decided I couldn't wait any longer :)
We are really enjoying summer this year. Dave decided to fix our gate, which meant build a whole new fence about 6 inches back. After lots of work and muscle power (mostly on Dave's part :), here is our before....
and after! Isn't it beautiful? That man is so handy!
Alex had his last day of kindergarten. Every kid went up and got their "diploma" and then said what they wanted to be when they grew up. Some kids said jet pilot, dolphin rider, dentist, doctor, one little girl said mommy (cute!), and then Alex got up there and said, "Mechanical engineer" I love that kid!
Here is his teacher, and a buddy named Magnus. We loved Mrs. Deignan! This was her last year so we're so lucky we got her, but sad that Lydia won't get the chance to have her as a teacher. She was amazing!
On another note, Alex and Lydia have been asking for a dog for a little while. I would love a dog, so I always say, "it's up to your dad". Dave isn't a fan of dogs, they are dirty and expensive... so he has valid points :) Anyway, Lydia said a prayer for dinner yesterday and said, "please bless daddy that he'll let us get a puppy". Man, the kids are pulling out the big guns now :)