Monday, September 03, 2012

Colorado springs

For Labor Day this year we went to Colorado Springs and saw their "balloon classic" 
 At night they have a balloon glow, which is AMAZING!  The balloons are all puffed up, but kept on the ground and they glow, so so so cool.
 In the morning (early morning) the balloons take off.  The weather didn't cooperate right away so the kids got their hair chalked and styled at the Fantastic Sams booth :)
 Don't look too close, it's early for me :)  But I loved that we could go in the middle of the action... they just shooed us out of the way when it was time to take off.
 Then we went to the zoo, which was such a unique and fun zoo, it was really great.  And, we got to see the Manitou Cliff dwellings.  My family went here when I was younger (maybe 9) and I forgot my shoes so I had to sit in the car the whole time.  It was really fun to finally see them!  (I've always been a scatter brain).


liz said...

Fun, my sister was actually there too!!! Small world!

Jenn said...

what a cool trip! p.s. you are super skinny

Anonymous said...

This is a good picture and the boy is really cute!

When I downloaded the original I resized/resampled it, sharpened it and displayed the boy life size. The clarity is so good he literally appeared to be directly in front of me. He looked as though I could reach out and touch him so I leaned close and began giving him big juicy kisses. I was beside myself. The display is warm and silky smooth and he seemed to come to life and it was like I was really kissing him! I sat there for the longest admiring his beautiful face and good looks, and kissing him to my hearts content.