I'll make this quick....I've been tagged, apparently I have to say 7 things about myself, and they should probably be interesting too :) So, here we go!
1. I have had 2 surgeries on my right little toe because it kept trying to grow bigger
2. I am extremely attractive to mosquitos and spiders and have had more than 50 mosquito bites on my face at one time.
3. I play the piano everyday, and I have played it since I was 8 years old...but I still get extremely nervous to play hymns for church.
4. I wrote to Dave every week on his mission and he wrote me every week. We have all the letters saved in order and I still read through them occasionally.
5. When I was in 5th grade I said I wanted to be an auto mechanic when I grew up. I don't know why but I still have the paper to prove it :)
6. When my sister and I were little we hated cleaning our room (we shared a room) and so to make it more fun we would pick up every single toy with our feet...it took ALL DAY!
7. I am very clumsy, I always have a fresh wound from something and bruises all over my body from tripping and bumping into things. I once spilled every single thing I ate for lunch...chips, drinks, soup, applesauce...everything. But, my father and brother are clumsier than me :), interesting that they both chose life saving jobs eh?