Monday, May 18, 2009


  Lydia turned 2 on Friday, so we gave her a "big girl bed".  (our presents are always lame like that :)  Her and Alex played pretend go to sleep all day, Al here is reading her the books... so sweet.
  We did have a party, with the amount of family that lives so close it was pretty large, but very very fun.

Some of Lydia's presents.  The hat and sunglasses were from Dave and I (told you they were all lame).  And the baby elmo actually asks for his bottle and goes to sleep and all that stuff, it's great.
  Another quick funny story... We were in the car listening to a church CD that Jaynie bought for me for mother's day.  Alex asked me to play the song about Christ, to which I replied "which one?"  Alex quickly said "oh mom, you know, the one in heaven!".....  Ah, that Christ, thanks Al :)


Ann Marie said...

I love that story about the music CD, so cute!

And you are not lame for giving presents like that, you are very smart. That's what we do. The kids usually get the things they NEED from us and then the "fun" things from everyone else.:) I can't believe she's two already, crazy!

Chelsea said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Lydia!

I love the quilt on her new big girl bed, did you make it?

And cute "Christ" story. I bet Alex keeps you on your toes :)

Meedy said...

HOw cute! I think it is a great idea to give a big boy bed for a birthday. Love the Christ story!

Veronica and Ryan said...

Um yeah Kendra. Don't you pay attention in church? Of course the one in heaven! :)

The Busey Family said...

Cute CD story. He is so smart. What a fun birthday. I love the big girl bed. Those pictures are so cute too. Lydia looks so big in her hat and sunglasses. So fun!

Brandon and Erica said...

Your kids are soo dang adorable! Seriously, I can't believe Lydia is 2! I love her cute little haircut bob!

That story of Alex is hilarious! Kids are so adorable :-)

Liz said...

Lydia is soooo cute. I love your gifts. I'm the same way. Maddys major gift was all new clothes. How hillarious is Al!!! You've got some awesome kids, fabulous job momma!!

Melissa Rozeski said...

She is so cute about her baby dolls. I love that I got to be at her birthday 2 years in a row. Even better, that all of the cousins get to be so close and grow up together. Thanks for the party!