Wednesday, March 14, 2012


We are the proud parents of four tiny cute chickens :)
This is sunshine... she is Lydia's and she's adorable
This is coyote (hopefully naming him after his ultimate enemy wasn't a mistake...). He peeps all the time!
We also have carmel and Buff :) I sure hope we know what we're doing!


liz said...

Adorable... For now. What on Earth and you going to do with chickens!? Eggs? I hope you're not going to eat them now that you've given them names!!!

Jenn said...

haha liz! hilarious. seriously though, uh what are you doing? Are you urban chicken farmers now? how cool is that?! I have heard that chicken coops can attract rats though. true or false? also, sunshine is the best chicken name ever.

Meedy said...

CUTE Chicks. Someday we will...someday. I also can't wait to take our kids skiing! What a fun family adventure.

katina said...

So, are they just for pets or are they so you guys can have eggs? I think they're cute!

Brandon and Erica said...

Love it!! And thanks for the exclusive invite :) glad to be in the group again. Lydia is seriously BEAUTIFUL