We went to Alex's elementary school BBQ last night and Lydia asked for an alien from the balloon artist... isn't it awesome?!? Good choice!
This next part is for recording sake, but read if you want!
Alex has always been really into stories, reading, hearing, and making them up. The other night he had Dave write his story down. So, without further ado, "The Story of David" by Alex Mauger (written by David Mauger)
David was having a nice time in his castle with his princess. When suddenly, his princess was feeling sick. She said, "I think I'm having babies." Then David thought, "This is great."
The princess went to the doctor. When she went to the room, the doctor wasn't there. David thought he should look for the doctor. So, he got on his horse. He went to a big lake. A man was carrying a flower in a boat. David called out, "Have you seen the doctor of my castle?" The man answered, "I saw him walking past the little mountain next to the 2 trees."
So, David went there and saw an eagle. David asked the eagle, and the eagle said, "I saw him next to the 5 holes under that tree." David went there and saw some moles carrying branches. David asked the moles, they said, "Yes, going down the wiggly path."
David found the doctor, and took him back. "Why were you out here?"
The doctor said, "I lost a tool, but then found it in a bush, but I got lost." The doctor helped the princess have the babies. She had one girl and two boys.
The End