Sunday, November 08, 2009


Alex has always sounded older than he is (not acted).  He even defined the word "omnipotent" in primary when he was 3.  Today we both have colds and were sniffing.  He said, "mom, let's make a nose band"  Recently he's started to put his gift onto paper.  This was my birthday card this year...

I know you can't read that or see what it is, so I'll explain :)  It's a rocket ship, with a man hanging off it, and then his name up at the top written pretty fancy.  Then he had Dave write this, "Dear Mom, We're going to have a blast birthday party. Happy birthday!  I love you"  Hallmark, here we come :)
    Alex and Lydia have also starting taking pictures.  Thank GOODNESS for digital.  Anyway, I found this one on the camera today...

That little temptress :)


Chelsea said...

Nice rocket ship! And you're right, Hallmark would be crazy not to hire him :)

Just Us said...

That picture made me laugh SO hard! lol! And that card is pretty darn cute.

Melissa Rozeski said...

OH my!!!! She does have great legs!!!!

katina said...

Very cute! You have such cute kids!!

Meedy said...

You found that on the camera? I bet you got a good laugh when you found it. That is so cute! I love the rocket ship. It is so cool when they put things together and you can tell they are using their imagination. Way to go ALex...fancy name and all.

Catherine said...

Your kids are so awesome, Kendra! Alex did quite a nice job with the photo shoot! :)